The greatest dog in the world has left me. My dog Misiu (Me-shoe), which is Polish for little teddy bear, has died from an insulnoma which is a tumor on her pancreas. This caused her insulin levels to soar and generated hypoglycemia. We controlled it for a while but the bigger the tumor got, the crazier went the insulin levels until we could no longer keep her blood sugar high enough to survive. I include two pictures of her. One with my other trusty companion, her half brother, Spanky who I lost a few years ago. They are hanging out in my 1971 Bronco that I restored. The other is her and I in a pheasant field in Indiana after a successful hunt. She was deadly for ducks and birds and the most loving creature ever in the house. Don't suppose I'll ever have another dog as great as she. It is a cruel thing that a hunter and his dog do not live the same lifetimes. Losing a hunting companion who would do anything you asked and do everything it could just for your approval and pleasure is worse than dying the death of a thousand stings. I include the video from Jimmy Stewart. The House of Parker is in deep mourning.