Hey: Look out the window. The sun came up right? You need to understand something. Any gambler knows the thrill of victory. That is what you live for. But if gambling is to be a long-term proposition, then you have to know how to lose too. The thrill of winning does not come without also knowing how to lose. It is part of the equation. If this is a foreign or unknown concept to you then you have not lived life. Phillpe Massa drives for the Ferrari Formula One team. He just lost the world driving championship to Lewis Hamilton by one point in 2008 on the last corner of the last lap of the last race of the year. At the press conference after the race which he won he said "I'm a racer. I know how to win and I know how to lose." Thank you Mr. Massa.
I suggest the Democratic party should follow this advice and get to figuring what the people of Massachusetts are trying to say to them.
Ferrari did win the constructors championship. It wasn't a total loss for them and there season.
Bryan: You know the Constructor's Championship is meaningless compared to the Driver's title.
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