Hi all. I'm back and 90% of my old self. Soon to be 100% I hope though the doctor (and my wife who is a nurse) says it will take some time to completely shake the effects. Anyway I wanted to remind all you good people out there that I have put together this symposium on the Economy and Monetary Policy and you are invited. If you are a member of the Eastern Carolina business community and wish to participate in the lunchtime presentation at Greenville Country Club we would love to have you. Please see the accompanying flyer. We will also repeat this program the evening of October 3, 2011 in Hendrix Theatre on the campus of ECU at 7pm and it is free to the general public. I hope you will be able to attend.
Have a great day,
Randy Parker
Good to see you back.
Hopefully I'll be there. Also, glad to hear you're better.
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