What's wrong with dissent? Barney Frank blew up the housing market and now he wants us to go on an endless trip up the Phillips curve I guess. Wanting to give the president four more appointees to the FOMC reminds me of Roosevelt trying to pack the supreme court. Some one please stop this jack ass from further damaging our country.
Considering that bernanke (based on today's FOMC announcement) is content in this malaise, at least B.Frank is trying something to help out the economy.
Only a reshuffling of $400B? Reshuffling?????? Only $400B??????? Rates can't get much lower. And through June? June??????? So much for timely. Unemployment at 9.1 (and up again to 10.4 in NC) - dual mandate my a$$. Come on mayyyyyne, come on ..........
EconoMan, I am prepared to say monetary policy is not the problem at this moment in time. But I love the C'mon mayyyne.
Hey doc - thanks for the quick reply. I'm not saying it's the problem but it certainly isn't (in my opinion) doing very much to be the solution.
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