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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Insolvency, Credit Freeze, Recession and Unemployment. Take 'em out.

Just think of these individuals who are no longer with us as the Four Horsemen of Insolvency, Credit Freeze, Recession and Unemployment. Hit 'em with everything you got. Oh and by the way, watch the dog on the right side of the screen. He gets away, praise Allah.

For the record, these four Joe Jihadis had just mortared a U.S. base and were casually strolling home like nothing happened. It had to be a bit of a shock don't you think? Well, for a few seconds any way.


Mehdi Fazal said...

On the blog:

I ask for support from learned people - Can others who are learned support this forum?

I am concerned about UNEMPLOYMENT
I think we need to stand behind Gordon Brown with solidity while he solves problems for us and the world.No-one has done better for our economy so far, and I am certain that he has the courage and new ideas to change the country and the world for the better and in favour of the poor of this world.

UNEMPLOYMENT does not have to be

May I request that the Prime Minister rules in the Kenysian tools in this recession - so the the building industry remains in a sensible shape? Gordon Brown said he will do whatever it takes to deal with the financial system, but can we have that on this as well? Keyne was forsaken twice by this nation, in the 30s, and by John Major (No qulaifications beyond schooling - no university or historical perspective!) conservatives want to do it 3rd TIME, notice how all their speeches say how there was too much spent in the past so we have no reserves to spend in bad times, THIS IS CRAP and frightening to me as a qualified Economist. It is John Major once again. Can the Gordon who obtained a double first explain the bullshit in this thinking please?

Can others who are learned support this forum?

I lost 18 years of my prime life becasue of John Majors hammer to crack a nut approach, and I hope Gordon is given a chance to correct the wrong done then, so that the tools can be used to remove human misery in the future throughout the world.

Can you as a learned person
who knows the history of the last great depression join me accross the ATLATIC
in supporting my petition, and coming to speak on the matter in London?

Unknown said...

It is another must-see for our beloved policymakers, hahaha

Randall Parker said...

Mehdi, please don't say naughty words like bull***t. It looks like I am going to have to start moderating comments.

Mehdi Fazal said...

Hi Professor

Sorry I am a new blogger, and did not realise that this comment may not have reached you at all, since I replied to your email! And I did not notice it was No reply!

Anyway I repeat what I said in my email.

Please remove the words that offend. I enclose the moderated letter to the Prime Minister. I copy and pasted the first draft by mistake to you.

I have also written to Paul Krugman the Nobel Peace Prize Winner to ask for support.

and also to Andrew Neil a very prominent newspaper and TV personality who can put a coalition of people together, and who in the 90s argued strongly for projects - giving examples in his sunday papers - in detail over a period of weeks, but the classical view of economics and anti-keynes feeling was too strong so - in fact the policy action was exactly opposite, increase in taxes etc.

To all supporters My invitation is to :

to walk an i-walk on an e-march to Downing Street (similar to the long march in the depression)

This is the real jihad.

Will you join?