This is me in my senior year in high school. This was the homcoming game. It is the only game we won all year. I was the captain of the team and a great player on a bad football team, a bunch of dogs...but they were my dogs. We were losing at this moment in time. I played both ways on offense and defense but got hurt early in the year and stuck to offense. Right after this picture was taken, late in the game, they put me in on defense. Look at my face (go ahead and click on it). I was ready to kill someone. And I did. Four minutes left in the game I flattened a halfback in the backfield and forced a fumble. We took the ball 70 yards and won the game. You don't forget times like those.
We'll get back to business tomorrow.
I live in a glass house and therefore I can cast stones. You had a lot of hair in this pic...
I had a lot more of a lot of stuff back then and a whole lot less of much else.
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